White Folks Facing Race: Local Resources and Actions, plus Conversation Guidance

Emily Vincent
3 min readJul 15, 2020


[This is part of my White Folks Facing Race series, originally written on July 15, 2020 to an email group created for community members in the Washington, DC area.]

Hi Friends!

First, a huge THANK YOU to Frank Rusco, one of our group members, who wrote “Make This Moment a Movement!” in Arlington Magazine. What a wonderful, honest, thoughtful, encouraging piece. And he mentions us!

I did want to remind everyone that my weekly posts (not the other group email traffic) are posted on Medium and at White Folks Facing Race. We also have a Facing Race in Arlington Facebook page. The Blogger website also has an awesome Resource List, a Start Here page, and an About Me page now. If you’re looking for a resource about something in particular, the Resource List is broken into sections. There’s also a search function on the site. Keeping the Resource List updated with all of the resources I have shared is a time management challenge for me, so if anyone wants to help with that, just let me know.

I want to strongly suggest that you sign up for Symone Walker’s campaign updates. She’s a friend of mine and a group member and is a colleague with me at the NAACP (and co-chair of the Education Committee). But honestly, even if you have already decided who you’re voting for in the School Board race this November, her campaign updates have so much valuable information in them that everyone should read them. I learned key things about school reopening and changes in state legislation that affect students and discipline in our schools. She is already doing the work of advocating and educating our community members about issues affecting our students and families. She’s also hosting “Let’s Talk About It — Getting Real About Racism” tomorrow, Thursday, July 16 at 7:00 pm. You can find out more about her and the event (and her campaign) at Symone for Students.

- Webinar: Asserting Special Education Rights in the Time of Coronavirus — Thursday, July 16 from 12–1 pm, presented by Juliet Hiznay, an Arlington local and Special Education Advocate-Attorney.
- APS Diversity, Equity & Inclusion office’s Community Engagement efforts, including the Summer Student Series — the next one is on July 22.
- Exciting local news — The Black Heritage Museum of Arlington has reopened! I highly recommend a visit and/or a donation.

- Nia Evans and Kayla Patrick write about why “Black Girls Need Police-Free Schools” (Education Post, 7/8/20)
- I’m sharing an action posted by Arlington for Justice — Arlington County Chief Jay Farr is retiring before the end of the year.
- Kunlyna Tauch writes “I Am Not Your ‘Other’” (The Marshall Project, 7/9/20)
- David Marchese discussed defunding the police with Lori Lightfoot, mayor of Chicago (New York Times, 6/22/20)

- Linda Poon writes about a lack of data on disease outbreaks in high poverty neighborhoods and how systemic racism is present in medical care.

- A group member shared: Sara M. Moniuszko writes a guide for “How to talk to your family, friends about racism and white privilege” (USA Today, 7/6/20)
- Megan McArdle (not someone I normally read) writes “How to explain systemic racism to non-liberals like me” which gave me more ideas for how to have some of these difficult conversations (Washington Post, 7/14/20)
- A group member recommended the Beyond Diversity Resource Center, which offers great resources for conversations and group discussions. They are hosting a virtual, two-day Summer Institute on Race on August 6–7.

- Arturo E. Holmes II writes “I’m a black doctor. I wear my scrubs everywhere now.” (Washington Post, 7/10/20)
- Nneka McGuire writes about Bakari Sellers’ new book, My Vanishing Country: A Memoir, and its connection to James Baldwin and his essential words and work (Washington Post, 6/19/20).
- Christian Cooper wrote an op-ed about “Why I have chosen not to aid in the investigation of Amy Cooper” (Washington Post, 7/14/20)
- Maura Judkis writes about how “Anti-racism trainers were ready for this moment. Is everyone else?” (Washington Post, 7/8/20)
- Nahliah Webber writes “If You Really Want to Make a Difference in Black Lives, Change How You Teach White Kids” (Education Post, 6/29/20)
- Kailee Scales with the Black Lives Matter Global Network writes that “Information is Power. Disinformation is Dangerous.” (Medium, 7/8/20)
- Jeffery Robinson writes “It’s Time To Tell the Truth About the Confederacy and its Symbols” (ACLU, 7/3/20)

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Emily Vincent
Emily Vincent

Written by Emily Vincent

Mom, Activist, Community Organizer

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