White Folks Facing Race: How Community Members Are Engaging
[This is part of my White Folks Facing Race series, originally written on May 27, 2020 to an email group created for community members in the Washington, DC area.]
Hi Friends!
I hope this message finds you safe and healthy. Thank you to all of you who participated in our School Board candidate chats. I learned a lot from our candidates and from all of you and I appreciate you taking the time to join us. Please return your ballot before May 30!
If you’re cutting it close with the deadline, “The Arlington Dems recently announced that voters will be allowed to drop-off their ballots at the South Glebe Post Office, which is located at 1210 S. Glebe Road by 11 am on May 30. Tell the postal worker that the ballot is for direct delivery into P.O. Box 40010 for the School Board Caucus. The ballot must be in the addressed and stamped envelope provided by Arlington Dems. The Post Office is open 9 am to 5 pm during the week and 9 am to 11 am on Saturday May 30.”
To follow up from my message last week, I’m working on the equity lens post separately from my weekly updates. I’m hoping I can complete that soon.
I heard from several of you who watched the event last week with Dr. Ibram X. Kendi and really enjoyed it. You can view the archived video here (you have to register, but it’s free!).
THIS THIS THIS! (Courtney Ahn Design, “A Guide to White Privilege”)
Steven Krieger wrote an op-ed about the barriers involved in the Arlington Democrats’ caucus process, making it harder for many community members to participate. We touched on this briefly during our chat with him a couple of weeks ago and I appreciate his follow-up.
A group member shared a resource with me to share with the group: “Janet Blount is a career counselor and certified coach who has designed a career exploration program for parents, grandparents and other caring adults. Her workshop provides the skills, tools, and confidence for adults to guide elementary, middle, and high school children in exploring various career options. Her work focuses especially on economically disadvantaged families and those who traditionally have been underserved in K-12 and higher education in terms of preparation for career. Her web site is http://careersareus.info/."
Arlington Magazine had an interview with the incoming APS Superintendent, Dr. Francisco Durán, including questions about equity, distance learning, and the APS budget.
A group member shared “Solidarity Means Supporting Organizing & Policy Change” which advocates following and amplifying multiple social justice organizations and tells you how.
A reminder that if you’re looking for ways to help your community members during this difficult time, there are many opportunities.
- The CCPTA is collecting PTA/school based efforts and posting opportunities on its website.
- The Arlington Community Corps is connected to many County efforts (including AFAC and APAH) and is sending out opportunities to help to its membership.
- Arlington County continues to build its resources for residents, particularly for food assistance and housing.
- Volunteer Arlington also has many ways you can help.
A group member let me know about these events coming up in June: “On Monday evenings throughout June 2020, join the John Mitchell, Jr. Program for History, Justice, and Race at George Mason University, Busboys and Poets, and the Maryland Lynching Memorial Project for virtual town hall discussions with authors, activists, and academics on pressing issues at the intersection of race, peace, and justice. The first virtual town hall will feature antiracist essayist and educator Tim Wise on Monday, June 1, 2020 at 6:00 pm. This event is part of the A.C.T.O.R. (A Continuing Talk on Race) series at Busboys and Poets.”
Keep up the good work.
Listen. Amplify. Follow.